Dani’s Liked Places
São Paulo Airport Marriott Hotel is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

1. São Paulo Airport Marriott Hotel

Ave. Ministro Evandro Lins E Silva 10/100, Guarulhos, SP
Hotel · Cecap · 52 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Excelente hotel. Piscina academia, sauna... Excelente buffet, tudo de bom

Companhia Athletica is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

2. Companhia Athletica

DiamondMall (3° Piso), Belo Horizonte, MG
Gym and Studio · Santo Agostinho · 55 tips and reviews
Praia dos Antunes is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

3. Praia dos Antunes

Sítio dos Antunes, Maragogi, AL
Beach · 45 tips and reviews
Praia do Cupe is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

4. Praia do Cupe

Rod. PE-009, km 4/5, Ipojuca, PE
Beach · 58 tips and reviews
Beijupirá is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

5. Beijupirá

Rua Beijupirá, 90, Ipojuca, PE
Seafood Restaurant · Porto de Galinhas · 250 tips and reviews
Pomodori Pizza Lourdes is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

6. Pomodori Pizza Lourdes

R. Marília de Dirceu, 159, Belo Horizonte, MG
Pizzeria · Lourdes · 7 tips and reviews
Néctar da Serra is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

7. Néctar da Serra

R. Sta. Rita Durão, 929 (R. Pernambuco), Belo Horizonte, MG
Vegan and Vegetarian Restaurant · Savassi · 130 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Adoro este lugar! Eat clean #projetoverão

Prospector Square Lodge & Conference Center is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

8. Prospector Square Lodge & Conference Center

2200 Sidewinder Dr, Park City, UT
Hotel · 3 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: I loved it! So nice and comfortable ❤️

Sala VIP La Revoltosa is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

9. Sala VIP La Revoltosa

T4 (Aeropuerto de Madrid-Barajas (MAD)), Madrid, Community of Madrid
Airport Lounge · Aeropuerto · 22 tips and reviews
Palace of Versailles is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

10. Palace of Versailles

(Château de Versailles)
Place d'Armes, Versailles, Île-de-France
Palace · Château · 785 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Imenso! Até cansa conhecer o palácio todo. Separe um dia inteiro para conhecer 🇫🇷

Ladurée is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

11. Ladurée

75 avenue des Champs-Élysées (Rue Lincoln), Paris, Île-de-France
Pastry Shop · Champs-Élysées · 998 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Melhores macarons de Paris. Mas não deixem de experimentar os macarons do Mac Donalds, isso mesmo! Bem mais baratos e tão gostoso quanto. 😋🇫🇷

Golden Gate Bridge is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

12. Golden Gate Bridge

Golden Gate Brg S, San Francisco, CA
Bridge · 812 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Lindo de mais. Um sonho! Tem vários pontos para tirar fotos. Recomendo em ir pelo menos em 2 pontos

Green Park is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

13. Green Park

Piccadilly (Constitution Hill), London, Greater London
Park · 194 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Lindo parque, quando tem um solzinho, todo mundo deita na grama e curte o sol

Hyde Park is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

14. Hyde Park

Serpentine Rd, London, Greater London
Park · 1137 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Simplesmente Huge! Tem um lago muito grande com muitos gansos e patos! Lindo d+

Buckingham Palace is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

15. Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace Rd, London, Greater London
Palace · Green Park · 609 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Muito legal ver os guardas andando! 💂💂💂 🇬🇧

Tower Bridge is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

16. Tower Bridge

Tower Bridge Rd, London, Greater London
Bridge · 467 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Lindíssimo, um sonho! 🇬🇧💂

Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower) is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

17. Big Ben (Elizabeth Tower)

Parliament Sq (Bridge St), London, Greater London
Monument · Westminster · 663 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Nem parece de verdade. Lindo!!! 😍💂🇬🇧

Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS) is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

18. Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS)

Aankomstpassage, Schiphol, North Holland
International Airport · 2977 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Imenso. Daqui você compra os tickets para keukenhof. Do lado de fora tem a placa I AMSTERDAM, vazia sem ninguém. Aproveita e garanta sua foto na placa. 🇷🇺

Paris is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

19. Paris

City · 424 tips and reviews
Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

20. Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris

(Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris)
6 parvis Notre-Dame (Place Jean-Paul II), Paris, Île-de-France
Church · Notre-Dame · 980 tips and reviews
London is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

21. London

Greater London, Greater London
City · 232 tips and reviews
Monterey Bay Aquarium is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

22. Monterey Bay Aquarium

886 Cannery Row (at David Ave.), Monterey, CA
Aquarium · Cannery Row · 420 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: O aquário todo eh lindo, verifique os horários de alimentação do mar aberto e dos pinguins

Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

23. Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park

65084 Highway 1, Big Sur, CA
State or Provincial Park · 23 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Lindo d+! Parada obrigatória quando for passear pela Califórnia!

Santa Monica Pier is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

24. Santa Monica Pier

200 Santa Monica Pier (at Ocean Ave), Santa Monica, CA
Pier · Santa Monica · 483 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: O bom é ir quase no por do sol, assim além de ver o pôr do sol vc tbm vê as luzes do píer à noite

Choperia Albanos is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

25. Choperia Albanos

R. Rio de Janeiro, 2076 (R. Tomás Gonzaga), Belo Horizonte, MG
Bar · Lourdes · 100 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Frango a sabara, o melhor! As bruschettas tbm são deliciosas

Momo Confeitaria is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

26. Momo Confeitaria

Av. do Contorno, 6081, Belo Horizonte, MG
Dessert Shop · São Pedro · 158 tips and reviews
Pier 39 is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

27. Pier 39

2 Beach St (at The Embarcadero), San Francisco, CA
Pier · Fishermans Wharf · 386 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Do píer 39 vc consegue tirar foto do Alcatraz e ver os leões marinhos por volta das 17:00

Keukenhof is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

28. Keukenhof

Stationsweg 166A, Lisse, South Holland
Park · 316 tips and reviews

Dani R.Dani R: Lindo parque, se estiver na primavera na Holanda, não deixe de ir no keukenhof. Vá até o aeroporto Schipol em amsterdam e de lá vc compra o ticket + passagem de ônibus

Le Box - Design em Caixas ✂️🎁 is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

29. Le Box - Design em Caixas ✂️🎁

Rua Engenheiro Godofredo Dos Santos, 43, Belo Horizonte, MG
Arts and Crafts Store · Estoril · 1 tip
La Frasquê 🎀 is one of Dani’s Liked Places.

30. La Frasquê 🎀

Rua Paulo Piedade Campos, 155, Belo Horizonte, MG
Arts and Crafts Store · Estoril · No tips or reviews