David T. • October 4, 2012You can't go wrong with the "New Yorker".
Double Shakas Surf Designs • November 14, 2013One of the premier surf spots in South Florida! Warm water, sandy bottoms and plenty of sunshine! works well in any direction- windswell, groundswell and is something special during a hurricane swell!
Dylan G. • June 21, 2022Drinks are amazing. The menu is so amazing you can’t go wrong you can throw a dart at it and get something good
John N. • May 12, 2014Go Early to get a spot on the beach, and a close parking space
Kat A. • September 6, 2015The traditional style tacos are awesome, add avocado
Kristin W. • January 25, 2011your own shopping bags and carry groceries instead of using a cart.