Kasia W. • November 15, 2013Great mono dram about life of Danuta Walesa, wife of Lech Walesa. Interesting to see the women's version of the Solidarnosc legend...
André S. • October 21, 2016Great fun! Was our first escape room in 2014. We did during half a year all of them, because they were so good. Highly recommended!
VictoriaG • November 11, 2017Extensive collection of Polish artists, 20-21 cent are really something. Courbet & some other foreign painters also on display. Great temporary exhibitions.
Magdalena G. • May 19, 2014Old fashioned, stylish cinema with a specific feel to it. Has a candy bar :)
Petteri K. • August 22, 2022The dark era of communism in Poland. Not that big museum, but was well worth. There's also nice Caffe, try that "red limonade".
Damian D. • July 20, 2017Awesome place with jazz sipping out of speakers. Hope its unique spirit persevere for a long time.
Ola Ś. • February 27, 2013Cudowne miejsce, kameralna atmosfera i starannie dobrany repertuar. Warto zaplacic wiecej za miejsce w pierwszych rzedach!
Bartosz B. • April 1, 2012V9 is a street art gallery, graffiti shop and street art-oriented community center. They organize exhibitions, workshops, movie projections and discussion panels. V9 is running by vlepvnet collective.
Mike B. • July 10, 2023Young persons place, good beer options, I was here on bucks night as the Dad of groom but playing Pong was excellent…
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