Zoya S. • July 7, 2014Amazing and magnificent place for a long and nice walks and for summer tango dancing!
NeKiPiSHui • June 11, 2012The beach of Peter and Paul Fortress serves at summers as a place for sunbathing, sand sculptures and movie festival.
Nikolajs K. • August 15, 2016Streets are not overcrowded, good transit communications, lots of landmarks to see
ANDREW S. • December 1, 2014Один из красивейших районов Питера)) прогула по острову - сплошное удовольствие
Frank R. • August 2, 2015Nice And beautiful place. Is not far. It is a place rich in history and very special. I invite you to enjoy
Natafa S. • April 27, 2014Люблю это место! Слева порт, справа пляж... Посреди труба( пока нще стоит) . Красота!
alexis a. • May 18, 2014Створ из двух маяком на островах- ворота для заходящих в порт кораблей. Здесь проходит фарватер
Aleks 7. • May 8, 2017Три моста, омывается речками Екатерингофкой и Таракановкой, а также Бумажным каналом
Maxim G. • July 18, 2013Забавное место. Бида с электричеством. Подъезд сухопутный отвратительный. Красивые виды, хороший персонал.
NeKiPiSHui • June 10, 2012The island was closed for renovation for a long time, but is now open with lots and lots of interesting events during summer.
NeKiPiSHui • June 11, 2012The tip of Vasilievsky island is decorated with pretty floral arrangements and a great view towards Peter-Paul Fortress and the Neva embankment.
Arthur A. • May 15, 2016The best place to chill out in the whole city! A real beach, a big square with a lot of activities!
Stefan L. • November 15, 2016Architecture, history, island, landscape, views, air, you can expirience everything on this microworld separated by wooden bridges from rest of the city. You won't miss this once you're in town.
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