Georgy S. • March 23, 2017Любимое место на Трехгорке. Эспрессо - 50 рублей + бутылочка воды и сервис 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Rodrиго Р. • September 12, 2020The great selection of handcrafted patisserie makes for the limited seating. Very tasty desserts. Ideal to buy something and enjoy by the pond. Highly recommended, if you don’t need seating.
Kira P. • January 4, 2019Best V60 in Moscow!
Muffin Man • February 9, 2021WHY THERE: cafe, coffee, pastry, cozy interior. STUFF: nice. STAFF: friendly. LOCATION: close to mainstream (convenient). PRICES: average (reasonable) [MAYBE, COFFEE?]
Denis D. • June 2, 2015Coffee roast is great but I wish barista was more careful about blending with milk. It looked like quickly spilling milk over espresso (to make a cappuccino)
Павел Р. • July 6, 2018Милая и дешёвая кофейня с подкупающей акцией по утрам. Латте и раф прекрасны, а персонал всегда приветлив и расторопен
Muffin Man • February 9, 2021WHY THERE: coffee shop, pastry, interior. STUFF: nice, cafe style. STAFF: friendly. LOCATION: close to mainstream (convenient). PRICES: average (reasonable) [DAVID B CAFE]
Hannes ☕. • April 21, 2014Nice coffee, although the milk-related drinks are quite massive in size. Bagged coffee from well known producers (Finca Tamana et al.) is available.
Tiffany Z. • August 2, 2015Cute as always, small, modern, new and cute baristas 😎
Hess S. • November 21, 2018Relaxing places for English lessons! A bit pricey for tea and light food.
Валентина Б. • June 10, 2015Вкусный кофе, божественные десерты и совершенно потрясающий бариста. Хочется возвращаться снова и снова :)
Elena H. • October 3, 2020Латте кориандр весьма неплох👌🏼 И стильные, тактильно приятные стаканчики))
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