Michael L. • February 7, 2017Creative and delicious Russian food. Interior ok'ish-wanting to be hip. . Waiters trying hard and are friendly. No english menu. For business and romantic dinner
Panfei Y. • March 26, 2015the rabbit dessert was amazing! Highly recommend. This place is the best in Moscow!
Alexei B. • July 14, 2017Very expensive, but delicious and artfully presented! I loved the unusual borsch (with duck and apple), the caviar-crowned Olivier salad, the deer paté bun, and the velvety medovik. 👍
Марина В. • June 12, 2014Красивый интерьер, приветливые официанты и отличная кухня. Попробуйте пельмени с олениной и телятиной и "няню" из бараньих потрохов. Рекомендую к посещению!
Fahad • June 26, 2018Authentic Russian food .. Cousy & friendly .. the potato & onions dumpling, shredded beef order & the honey 🍯 cake are excellent orders
Nikita P. • April 9, 2015One of the best restaurants in the city today, no doubt! The prices are very affordable for such a fancy and trendy place!The beer is VERY special! Best pelmeni I had for years! Very authentic design.
Rodrиго Р. • June 14, 2017Beautiful restaurant with modern Russian cuisine and elegant atmosphere. Great views from the red square. Perfect for romantic date or business meeting. Tuna tartar & smoked duck are amply recommended
Konstantin O. • December 17, 2013Delicious and really authentic Russian food. Serve outstanding Russian vodka and excellent Russian fruit drink.
Marina • October 27, 2020What a feast for the senses! Great food and amazing show, great experience all round
Evgeniy M. • November 20, 2020Прекрасное место для бизнес-ланча для тех кто не любит поговнить насчет еды (то не ем, это не ем), т.к. чаще всего почти нет выбора блюд. Но всегда очень вкусно. И много.
🌸Lera Z. • July 1, 2014Замечательное место. Очень приятная обстановка, отдельные залы, в которых можно спокойно уединиться и ненавязчивая музыка! А еще супер бармен Злодей !! Советую это место! Однозначно!
Fernando K. • June 22, 2018Nice and very fancy way to taste the Russian culture. Developed a nice and cold vodka with the famous beluga caviar. Not cheap, but for a turistic and gastronomic purpose is a must visit.
Katerina K. • July 2, 2018Truly Russian restaurant with stylish interior. Amazing staff work here. Super welcome terrace and good spot for tourists and for all people who love Siberia spirit
Кристина Р. • March 7, 2020Приятная атмосфера и радушный персонал. Из блюд смело берите гребешки, салат Аляска и красные креветки. На десерт рулет с фисташкой и малиной. Запивать Савиньон Блан Caroline Bay!
Alfredo N. • June 27, 2015Good traditional russian food with a modern touch for a fair price. Warm ambience.
Fernando K. • June 22, 2018If you are interested in Russian food, this is a nice place to visit. Strogonof awesome. Soup and the russian executive meno comes with a nice price.
Anastasia I. • November 17, 2013Потрясающе! Богатый интерьер, официанты одеты в стилизованные костюмы времен Бородинского сражения, а кухня по-домашнему вкусна;))))
Irina N. • June 30, 2020Delicious, beautiful and unique take on modern Russian cousine! Warm service, spectacular views from the terrace.
Min • July 18, 2018Amazing food, very nice place. Servers speak english. Also desseets great. We came back 2 times. Friendly prices. Highly recommended.
Katerina K. • November 1, 2021Trendy, posh, amazing for date. Welcoming and chic atmosphere, good selection of wine. Expensive but good, definitely will come back
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