Jose T. • November 6, 2016Best Tonkotsu Ramen if the city. "Normal-size" ramen for ¥730 (big indeed). I suggest not to eat anything at least four hours before. Enjoy!!
John B. • April 29, 2015Get the "Die Ramen" it's a wordplay on death and large (大, pronounced "dai", means large). It's so big you will probably die of your gluttony.
Amy . • October 23, 2011Get the "mini" bowls so that you can sample several different ramen types in one visit.
Daiji • January 9, 2013If you love pork try the Negi Buta Ramen. Get Negi Ramen if you are watching your figure. Same thing, just less pork. I've been coming here since 1994.
ジャック • February 26, 2021芦花公園駅北口、甲州街道へ向かう左側。塩そば特大850味玉100。とても透き通った黄金色のスープ、表面は鶏油?ガツンではないがじんわり節系と昆布の旨味を感じ、甘味を感じた。麺はストレート角張った白い細麺。白髪葱、ミツバ、低温処理のチャーシュー1枚、短い極太メンマ2つ。味玉はあまり色は付いていないのにしっかりした味付、黄身がトロトロ冷たいタイプ。特大なので麺の量は結構あるが、千円切るのは素晴らしい!
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