Eric D. • August 10, 2017Amazing! It is a spacious showroom with many model railroad tracks. There is also a store with their latest products. If you buy something for 500 yen. it allows you to use the tracks for 30 mns.
Mito F. • December 28, 2017one of the most well known reptiles shop in Tokyo. Lizards, turtles, Geckos, snakes and aquarium. Good lineups of goods and animals. Looks they are happy... :)
michela f. • August 22, 2017Nice place where you can find elettronic items for low price, good food, second hand clothes and a lot of otaku things! Don't miss the Bar Zingaro at the 2F!
Sabrina • September 24, 2011If you're looking for Japanese electronica, or rare Western stuff, THIS IS THE PLACE. Seriously. You will want everything in the store.
Dan • April 29, 2013Aside from the freshly roasted coffee and eclectic menu largely based on hamburg variations. Try the loco moco for some fried egg and hamburg goodness.
つじやん@底辺YouTuber • June 14, 201920分無料のコイン駐車場あります。イートイン12席あり6時から22時まで利用できます。トイレはお店入って右側にあります。たばこ販売しています。喫煙ルームあります。店舗コード238730。
Ishizone M. • October 15, 2013フジヤエービックのプロ用機材と制作系機材を一つの店舗にまとめた「for creators」ショップ。映像と音響のプロなら一度はのぞいてみよう。
Tadacchi • April 29, 2018交通系電子マネー、QUICPay、Apple Pay、iD、クレカ(VISA、マスターカード、書いてないけどJCBも)使えます。レジによっては使えないレーンもあり!
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