Baldur B. • February 8, 2019Very nice cakes and sweets ... both for the tounge and the eye. Bit high in prices.
Amy . • October 1, 2011Can't go wrong with any cake or eclair! If you can't settle on one, the "degustation platter" gives you a sampling of many different cakes.
Sopisara S. • February 7, 2017You can have a glass of wine here:)
つか な. • October 3, 2019南側大テーブル席のガラス面下4ヶ所、窓際カウンター席(8席)の各席テーブル下、北側テーブル席ベンチシートの壁面9ヶ所に2口コンセントあり。波(Wi-Fi)はPLAZAのモノ(PASSは各所POPに掲載)と館内設置のモノが使用可能。
Makiley B. • April 27, 2014If you are brazilian or like brazilian food you must visit this place in Ghinza area. The Caipirinha is amazing.
Alessandro G. • October 24, 2017Wonderful place for tasting Japanese teas and in particular varieties of matcha tea. Price is on the upper level, but worthy.
Karolina 🦖 • April 17, 2016I really like this chain - nice alternative to Starbucks lovers. The inside of this one is just beautiful, great spot to drink your coffee in peace.
𝙻𝚒𝚕𝚒á𝚗𝚊 ✨ • November 7, 2019White hot chocolate and chocolate mousse is very tasty - also their chocolate is delicious!
maeda ,. • December 25, 2012外見や、洋服のお店の方はおしゃれで、「ぜひここでお茶したい」と思わせる雰囲気。但しカフェに入った瞬間から雰囲気は「普通の喫茶店」になる。店員の方の対応も服装も(安い)喫茶店レベル。 料理の方は、素材は良さそう。但し濃く単調な味付けで大いに不満。
Lisa S. • March 26, 2017You won't believe it but there are hardly any breakfast places open before 10 am on a Sunday. So we were thankful to find this. Sandwiches and coffee are ok but nothing remarkable. Tables are tiny! 🙄
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