Jeanette M. • April 5, 2015Great little bar in Shinjuku. There is no English or pictures on the menu, so your best bet is to order your favorite Suntory whisky based on what's available on the bar.
Nicholas S. • May 25, 2013This may be the best bar in all of Tokyo. A large selection of punk/metal CDs for one to choose from and a fantastic bartender.
Natalie C. • September 24, 2016LOVE this bar! lovely staff and atmosphere, you will be here til 5am dancing your butt off though! ;) requested my band and they played it, video and all! 💜💜
Abdullah A. • September 4, 2013Sheesha spot in Tokyo apparently opened 3 months ago. Use red line M8 stop to fastest route
HyunSoo C. • June 10, 2014꼬치튀김의 일종이 쿠시까스로 유명한 맛집. 1인손님들도 많은 서서먹는 컨셉의 가게이며 얇은 튀김옷과 안의 내용물에 윤기가 좌르르하게 튀기는 것이 신기할 정도로 그 튀김스킬이 뛰어나다. 다른 곳의 쿠시까스도 먹어보았지만 비교가 불가능할 정도.
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