Scholarship J. • June 24, 2015This is the perfect spot on a Saturday or Sunday day out, it has a lot of green space and cool
Nate F. • September 8, 2020Named after a girl, Nellie, who used to sit and read under the trees here. After she died, her friends hung a sign with her name on a tree, and eventually it became official.
Kimmie O. • November 22, 2019Love this park. Go run on the track field, play ball (baseball or soccer), enjoy the pool, use the outdoor gym equipment, skateboard or people watch. There is so much to do in this park ❤️
jake f. • September 24, 2012it's happening! next leg of the park is opening this fall, including 3 soccer fields, BBQ's, picnic tables, playground, a promenade and fishing pier.
P. D. • October 30, 2023The state of these baseball fields is an embarrassment. Youth leagues need to band together and demand maintenance.
Fodor's Travel • September 9, 2015This 7.8-acre park is one of Brooklyn's oldest idylls: a leafy expanse with a playground, baseball field, dog run, and an amphitheater.
Kirill K. • May 10, 2016Amazing park with a terrific view on Brooklyn Bridge and Financial District. There you can find fantastic soccer fields and basketball playgrounds
victoria s. • May 31, 2010Check out the veil of cashmere walk in the garfield entrance cross the field than thwe road go down the hill and make a left through the trees secluded and cool
BRooKL¥N B. • January 1, 2011Cool place to chill. Big ball field for baseball & basketball. A section separate for adults & little children. Plus free wifi!
Nelson B. • June 25, 2022Perfect park, sprinklers, soccer field, garden, can’t forget the ice cream truck always in front!
Max S. • August 26, 2015The best view of the downtown Manhattan skyline and Statue of Liberty is on he southwest side of the hill in front of the enclosed soccer field.
NYC Parks • October 11, 2011Head to the field on Gerritsen Avenue to watch members of the Radio Control Society of Marine Park fly their model aircraft!
Ricardo S. • August 30, 2015Soccer fields, beach volley, small water park for kids, restaurant and the ferry to Governors Island.
The Corcoran Group • November 4, 2013When in the Fort Greene area with friends, we like to stop by here on a nice spring day for a quick pickup game of softball on one of the fields.
City Parks Foundation • February 9, 2012City Parks Foundations provides free track & field lessons for youth and group wellness activities for senior citizens in Red Hook Park! Check our website for more details!
ImSo_Brooklyn • August 6, 2014A beautiful park to work out in, enjoy the day with family and friends! Nice and clean! The baseball fields are great!
Linda H. • January 23, 2021Nice place to relax and enjoy Swimming, basketball and areas to get your walk on. Nice and clean.
Radial Outdoor Media • April 15, 2011In the summer, many locals leave chicken bones and food after cook-outs. Beware, especially if you enjoy off-leash hours with your dog. Certain foods can be deadly.
Leo K. • May 10, 2015Despite the fact that they are located right next to a children's playground and a kids sports field, they will kick you and your children off of their lawn in the most snotty way.
The Corcoran Group • January 6, 2012This Viking-inspired park might be the most hidden greenspace in all of the five boroughs. It gets quite crowded in the summer. See if you can spot one of the famous Bay Ridge parrots!
City Parks Foundation • February 9, 2012If your child is idle during the summer, come join City Parks Foundation for free track & field and golf lessons in Kaiser Park. Senior citizens also have wellness programming available!
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