IWalked Audio Tours • September 2, 2011A small Federal style red-brick building surrounded by skyscrapers. The site of the church is the former home of the 1st America-born saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. Learn more on this site via our blog!
Swarm by Foursquare • November 26, 2024Open to the public on December 10 5:00-6:00pm for Open House New York At Night.
Alina B. • August 26, 2012Reverend Jason's stories are the best way to hear the history of Christianity.
TenduTV • March 26, 2011The Judson Memorial Church is one of the landmarks of American avant garde dance. The church hosted early performances by artists such as Trisha Brown, Lucinda Childs, David Gordon and Meredith Monk
Millard C. • November 10, 2013A diverse, inclusive and friendly parish. I love my Church. You should come worship with us some time. All are welcome.
Jacob S. • August 31, 2013One of the few surviving colonial-era churches in city; George Washington worshipped here following his inauguration; site of informal memorials following September 11 terrorist attacks
Chris O. • July 15, 2011Nothing for tourists to really see at the site yet, but the church has some touching memorials to 911 and its a must when visiting nyc.
Cheen T. • August 11, 2022Also known as the Little Church Around the Corner, it was designated a New York City landmark, & listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1973. Source: Wikipedia
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