Jordi P. • December 21, 2011Jisas de netzerit . Imperdible !
Abbas B. • May 13, 2018The first house by Gaudi is very beautiful and full of light. They have cosy small cafe with very delicious cookies in the garden of the house.16 Euro for adults and 14 for children over 7
Olga F. • November 15, 20131714 Crònica d'un Setge. Fins l'1 de Desembre!! Dijous, divendres i dissabtes a les 21h i Diumenges a les 18.30. No us ho perdeu!!
Polina F. • August 7, 2014Great place, always interesting exhibits and a nice little and quiet patio in the middle of busy street.
Marc L. • June 6, 2016Punk IPA served from the bartender tastes like heaven. The company is unbeatable, music is just outstanding, they also take music suggestions!
Sergi H. • June 27, 2015You can hang out there and grab some quality drinks while listening to indie music hits. Pleasant staff. Fair enough.
AUDIOART ESTUDI - Estudio de grabación - Estudi de gravació • April 23, 2012Gravació de locucions en més de 10 idiomes.Grabación de locuciones en más de 10 idiomas.Voiceover recording in more than 10 lenguages.
The Flat Club & Roof • January 9, 2013Echa un vistazo próximamente, el club más foker de la ciudad está a punto de abrir!!
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