Jordi P. • December 21, 2011Jisas de netzerit . Imperdible !
RAKAN • April 9, 2023Gaudi’s architecture is amazing and uniquely designed 💫 This building is remarkable 🏛️
Barcelona Cultura • January 24, 2012Dies 28 i 29 de gener: descompte de fins al 26% per a l'espectacle familiar La bella dorment #setdecultura12
Marc L. • June 6, 2016Punk IPA served from the bartender tastes like heaven. The company is unbeatable, music is just outstanding, they also take music suggestions!
Sergi H. • June 27, 2015You can hang out there and grab some quality drinks while listening to indie music hits. Pleasant staff. Fair enough.
The Flat Club & Roof • January 9, 2013Echa un vistazo próximamente, el club más foker de la ciudad está a punto de abrir!!
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