Sheri Fresonke H. • November 15, 2013Beautiful, popular wedding place, fun place for children and nice walk around mirror lake. It's all decorated for Christmas
Kandy R. • February 22, 2015Great trails. Lots of different birds and today must have been armadillo day!
Valerie G. • February 18, 2012Great playground in front for little ones & bigger one in the back by ball fields for all ages.
Rob S. • April 16, 2011Baseball, soccer fields. Paved trail. Children's play area . Covered picnic area.
Leslie R. • May 8, 2013Really nice trail to spend a couple hours trekking through. Don't leave trash & cigarette butts on the trail!
Ross • May 24, 2016Walk the windy path towards the lake and find all the little quotes in the pavement.
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