Vladimir P. • March 14, 2016Very good actors and scene. Ukranian culture heart in the Kiev.
Lucille F. • November 1, 2016Very good acoustic, elegant & almost intimate venue.
Mayara B. • September 11, 2016Very pretty and good for kids! Go on the beat of the hour for a surprise.
Thom T. • July 26, 2019Definitely visit. Small, but wonderfully rich exhibitions covering c.900 years of Ukrainian art
Juergen B. • February 10, 2013Tours offered in Ukr, Rus, Pol and Eng. They did even a tour specially for me in Engl! My young guide told a lot of interesting stories about water and life in Kiev, very enthusiastic. Worth a visit.
Ihor P. • May 15, 2016The sound is great, Benjamin Clementine's gig here was one of the best concerts I've ever been
Антон Я. • April 22, 2018Одна из мини-скульптур проекта "Шукай". Находится на окне ресторана. Правда, чтобы разглядеть её, приходится сгонять людей, которые рядом едят :D
Iaroslav P. • June 1, 2017Greate place to relax and play. Nice interior, friendly atmosphere. I was with my friends and they were impressed as I as well. I strongly recommend this place.
Nastia Z. • December 22, 2014Всегда хотела посмотреть процесс съемки этой программы. Было не так как я думала,но всё равно круто !!!
Renata D. • February 10, 2020Must see in Kiev. Friendly staff, security guy if asked can take a picture of you, will put your phone into a napkin as a protection from bacteria. Since he takes many and great pictures, no judgement
Debbie D. • August 17, 2014I was very impressed with the art exhibited here. And the book shop was a good place for buying gifts.
Nat N. • November 8, 2014Муха-цокотуха для самых маленьких! Невероятно захватывающе и интересно! Музыка,танцы,песни,игра актёров! Малыши (были даже 1,5года) смотрели не отрываясь 50 минут)))
Galyna S. • November 14, 2013Браво Денис Мацуев! И спасибо за прекрасный концерт!!! Рапсодия на тему Паганини покорила до глубины души - энергетикой,мастерством ,разнообразием пианизма!!!
Karina R. • May 27, 2018Квест очень интересный, радует наличие дополнительных комнат. Стиль 30-х готов выдержан до мелочей👌
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