Brigita D. • February 13, 2017Fresh produce straight from the farmers. Tasty, beautiful and 2-3x times cheaper than shops or the market. Starts around 5/6pm ends with dark. Take cash! 💶
Fabien S. • December 14, 2015Nice beers (some interesting ones as well) and the brewer is very knowledgeable.
Kirill O. • October 16, 2019Lots of local fish. They can cut it in pieces. Try everything that looks good!
Alina • December 12, 2014Vegetable heaven! Buy in an old-school way and enjoy the whole atmosphere and aroma mix from veggies.
Armands B. • February 13, 2012SALON LINE kontakti - tel. 67204213, māja lapa:
Janis R. • March 9, 2016Best choice and price of flowers in Riga
Yuri T. • January 17, 2014Here you will always get the best croissants and other French cakes in the city, always fresh, delivered from France daily. Plus this is the only place in the city to get fresh dates.
Michelle Rose Domb • November 12, 2015Laima chocolates, fresh produce, seafood, breads, honeys, meats, huge bagels, silks, beers, wine and spirits
Viņa G. • November 26, 2014Piena paviljonā var dabūt brīnišķīgi taukainus, krastus un garšīgus virtuļus, turklāt divās vietās, pie ieejas un pretējā pusē. Ja netrūkst drosmes, ir vērts pamēģināt.
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