Four square Lietuvoje • May 25, 2013Norite sveikinimams ar kvietimams suteikti jausmo, emocijų? Momentiškai gimęs meno kūrinys turi savo gyvenimą ir prasmę. Perkantiems rankų darbo atviruką - kaligrafinis užrašas nemokamas!
Xenia K. • November 21, 2013GMC is what makes you healthy and happy! Great masseurs, wonderful attitude, affordable prices. Vacuum massages for both body and face are super too!
Law P. • November 29, 2012Law Partner teikia paslaugas įmonių, sutarčių, finansų, mokesčių, migracijos, nekilnojamojo turto teisės ir kitose srityse.
Aleksas • January 8, 2015One of the best old-fashioned drinks in the area, they serve really great tasty salads here as well, recommend!
Viktor V. • March 3, 2014Clean, new, close to the old town, friendly staw, nice place to stay in Vilnius, great value for the money...
Hans R. • November 8, 2014Not to big, so you don't have to walk the whole day.
Vytautas J. • March 20, 2012The Music Division boasts an ample and diverse collection. A number of folk wind and string instruments made by local masters, plentiful collection of violins, cymbals, accordions and etc.
Vladimir P. • July 16, 2015Large museum about energetic history in the Vilnius
Tadas Ž. • February 1, 2011Great free coffee in the kitchen! And beautiful view from main meeting room.
Martina Z. • May 19, 2014#Aviation #MRO #Businessaviation #Aircraftmaintenance #Hawker #CRJ #Challenger850
Vladislav T. • September 3, 2014Former monastery building in the heart of Old Town. Nice facilities and great additional activities. And more important - very bright community. It's good to study here.
Amaury J. • April 21, 2017It isn't no Notre Dame, but it's still worth a visit. We got to go during mass and it was an experience. Simple but yet historical cathedral in the center of Vilnius.
Gennady B. • July 18, 2013I was here
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