Zhanna G. • November 24, 2020Отличное место с аутентичной узбекской кухней, вкуснейшие манты с мясом (тесто тончайшее, мясо сочное) и жареный лагман с бараниной. Было бы здорово,если бы крутили восточную музыку вместо европейской
Eva D. • May 4, 2015Good Israeli food! Falafels are super big but tasty. Hummus is one of the best! The laffa is definitely a must. If you fancy appetizers the fattoush salad is a good one ! Like the atmosphere, cosy!
George K. • February 9, 2022Прикольный спот, но мит поинт гораздо вкуснее. А с рыбой вообще не берите.
Anna M. • August 29, 2018Kofta is amazing, pita and veggies are a bit boring.
Katerina K. • November 1, 2021Trendy, but not sure I will come back. Pricy but not so good as Probka and etc. Mostly meat options not vegetarian one, many positions were out of the order
Natalya S. • August 18, 2020Quite fashionable place.The cuisine is mediocre & expensive.The hummus with fried avocado is ok-8$.Always crowded by pretty sluts. There is a real Vanity fair all around.The bill f2 is around 80$.
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