Benjamin R. • February 19, 2011Very nice photo galery ! Not so expensive and there is a large choice
Joel C. • October 21, 2017De la figurine en plomb et le musée à l'étage avec toutes les réamisations de la marque.
Nathan B. • March 14, 2013Expo tres sympa -art brut- en ce moment. Juste en face des beaux-arts. Quartier sublime
Hype Ain't Sh*t • June 11, 2012Wonderful gallery in boho Saint-Germain des Près. When you're done checking out Winshluss, Jeff Mills or Boris Achour's work, cross the street and go grab a drink at la Palette!
Journey City Guides • February 9, 2018A sparsely decorated but trendy restaurant with a simple and effective lunch formula attracting local art gallery owners and visitors alike
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