Gemma V. • December 2, 2011Great professors, lecturers in social media, frienly students and colleagues, great way to enter into the weekend
Eoin G. • March 16, 2011Good group of squash players here. Always looking for more. Contact @eoingalla on twitter.
48H Open House BCN • October 22, 2011Enric Sagnier adopta la tipologia de college anglès per fer una escola religiosa a Sant Gervasi. L’edifici, estructurat al voltant d’un pati, és de maó vist amb algunes ornamentacions en pedra.
Eva M. • February 2, 2011Escola privada concertada - Llar d'infants - Infantil - Primària - Secundària - Batxillerat
Joe L. • February 1, 2010Hey! If you visit La Salle tech park don't forget to visit SOMA Barcelona start up at module 4.14 They are great!!
Graham S. • April 21, 2010Summer courses here for English learners are exactly the same content as year-round courses - a great way for children and teenagers to improve their English in a short period of time
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