Penina M. • April 2, 2014Place where history meets present. If you are interested in artifacts you ought to visit Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center.
Leon • January 20, 2012get the veggie breakfast burrito with turkey, mushrooms, onions, spinach and peppers.
Chad E. • February 25, 2012The Walking Dead: S01E02 - Guts, Glenn steals a Dodge Challenger from a parking lot across the street. The car is used to create a diversion so that the box truck can be used to pick up the survivors.
Jessica G. • January 6, 2012Tag office here is always a fairly pleasant and quick experience...considering
D H. • January 14, 2020Happy New Year, Everything Looks Wonderful And Thank You So Much For All The Hard Work That Everyone Put In To Make This Work . We Are Our Parents Legacy, Let's Keep The DREAM A LIVE!!!
Alixx C. • March 27, 2012Fun fact, Zombieland was filmed right in front of this building.
Joanna H. • October 29, 2012The library is just too crowded. Study at the Urban Life library. Very peaceful :D (no cell signal sometimes, so a good way to keep from being distracted!)
That M. • March 14, 2013This is a HUGE building. Don't be afraid to ask people where to go. You will always find someone friendly willing to help you.
tomeka c. • March 17, 2016Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting...were dental nerds unite. Amazing speakers, exhibit hall, and course food
Stuart S. • July 11, 2013Cyan Design has a newly expanded showroom that is fantastic. Building One 13C1
Odebrecht Award • December 29, 2011Hi there! The Odebrecht Award for Sustainable Development is officially accepting entries! Share your best sustainability idea for a chance to win $65,000! Please visit our site for more information.
Sara M. • September 28, 2011The rooms tend to be too cold in the summer and too hot in the winter, so plan accordingly!
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