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Suggestions for History Museum near Staré Město, Prague

    • 8.5
      (Staroměstská radnice)
      History Museum
      Staroměstské nám. 1/3, Praha
      • ℳ𝒶𝓎♍

        ℳ𝒶𝓎♍ • February 11, 2017There are opportunities to go up the building and get some really gorgeous views of the town square & Prague itself. It's really hard not to appreciate the beautiful architecture & views in this area

    • 8.5
      (Španělská synagoga)
      History Museum
      Vězeňská 141/1 (U Staré školy), Praha
      • Siobhán

        Siobhán • September 19, 2017Absolutely beautiful! The exhibit information inside was less impressive than other synagogues in Prague, but the decor was the best of them all.

    • 8.0
      History Museum
      Haštalská 795/1 (Kozí), Praha
      • Nikos T.

        Nikos T. • December 5, 2019Intersting tour, sprinkled a bit of magic and alchemy into our trip! The tour guide was polite and answered all our questions! At some point you are being taken underground to the alchemists’ labs!

    • 7.9
      History Museum
      Křižovnické nám. 191/3, Praha
      • Lost

        Lost • August 19, 2018Nice place where you can get some information about the Charles Bridge and also boat trip is very nice

    • 8.1
      (Maiselova synagoga)
      History Museum
      Maiselova 63/10, Praha
      • Siobhán

        Siobhán • September 19, 2017A great starting point to pick up tickets and learn a bit more about Jews in Prague, the Czech Republic, and the surrounding area.

    • 7.8
      (Pinkasova synagoga)
      History Museum
      Široká 23/3, Praha
      • Sarah

        Sarah • April 26, 2012Incredibly moving. I cried.

    • 7.4
      (Muzeum Bedřicha Smetany)
      History Museum
      Novotného lávka 201/1, Praha
      • Devrim B.

        Devrim B. • November 23, 2014Ma Vlast ı çok seviyorsanız buyrun gelin , besteci hakkında bolca bilgi ve aile Üyelerinin tabloları mevcut , ve piyanoları

    • 7.1
      History Museum
      Husova 7, Praha
      • Tasha S.

        Tasha S. • January 31, 2017Loved this place! Short and sweet tour with 4 beers at the end included in the price. Definitely can't complain 😁🍻

    • 6.8
      (Náprstkovo muzeum)
      History Museum
      Betlémské nám. 269/1, Praha
      • Peter K.

        Peter K. • February 2, 2016Nice permanent exposition of items from islands in pacific ocean, shame they don't have english translation to them

    • 6.4
      (Obřadní síň)
      History Museum
      U Starého hřbitova 243/3a, Praha
      • Artem K.

        Artem K. • October 29, 2013Обыкновенный музей, но по странной еврейской задумке фотографировать внутри нельзя.

    • 9.0
      (Prašná brána)
      Historic and Protected Site
      nám. Republiky 5 (Celetná), Praha
      • Nm

        Nm • March 22, 2021A must to visit when in Prague .. Climb its 186 steps to enjoy the view point !!

    • 6.1
      (Židovské muzeum v Praze)
      History Museum
      Maiselova 63/10, Praha
      • Boris M.

        Boris M. • March 8, 2015Worth a trip as you get to see inside several buildings that span a pretty wide swath of time.

    • 5.4
      History Museum
      Celetná 558, Praha
      • Purple T.

        Purple T. • August 2, 2012There are two kinds of museums in Prague: the all ages variety like the Miniatures museum and Dvorak museum, and the adults only variety aka the Torture museum and Sex Machines museum.

    • ?
      (Kostel sv. Mikuláše)
      Staroměstské nám. 1101, Praha
      • Murat

        Murat • November 9, 2023Small but so beautiful inside. More of a concert hall than a church. Hosts classical music concerts at descent prices. Either reason, just make sure you see inside.

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