DHR.com • September 26, 2011This monument for Chiang Kai-shek is a must-visit. Inside, the massive Memorial Hall is where you'll learn about his life and the history of Taiwan. This place has its own MRT Station (Xindian line).
Nao • April 6, 2019日本統治時代に作られた台湾で最も古い西欧式公園。公園の中央には1947.2.28に起きた事件の経緯と顛末が刻まれた大きな二二八記念碑が建ち、歴史を感じられる公園です。時間が許せばぜひとも国立台湾博物館にも立ち寄ることをお勧めします。
Tzu-Chi Y. • February 28, 2016The North Gate of Taipei shows the history of Taiwan! The building at the left was built by the Japanese, the gate was built during the 1800's China Qing Dynasty, and the right side during KMT era.
Mary Lou J. • June 21, 2011one of my fav temples in taipei - go in the back through the caves to cool down on a hot day, and take time to climb up a few stories and look at the views. truly an OTT baroque cathedral. Started b
台灣幹不完旅行社 • December 14, 2011馬場町為台灣日治時期台北市之行政區,該町主要是軍事訓練之「台北練兵場」,用來操練士兵和騎兵之處,當時練兵場也作機場使用,所以又稱為台北南機場。白色恐怖時代,馬場町的河堤邊是國民政府用來槍決政治犯的著名刑場。
Anne H. • April 5, 2011Fortress Cafe has the real hot chocolate that's comparable with Angelina's in Paris; also they sell Rioja here! PS sit at the balcony!
Raven A. • March 29, 2017躲在三水市場裡面的一小角,當記者的朋友不是很喜歡,覺得為什麼不多做一些跟周圍的傳統商家融為一體?假掰的文青味太重。個人覺得目前下定論還太早,可以先觀察一段時間看看未來會如何。因為沒有用餐飲,口腹之慾的部份無法置評。但是看板與展示的部份有花了一點心思做,可以花點時間注意看看。走上樓中樓的時候請放輕腳步,下方是人家的辦公區。
Constance |. • March 25, 2019Walk along Dihua street, plenty of traditional Chinese medicine shops, traditional sweets from Asia and dish ware shops.
Johan T. • April 24, 2014Very small temple, not really a big fan of it. It's right beside Dihua Street where you can see old houses with Baroque facades. (Read Travel in Taiwan magazine to learn more about Taiwan)
Nathan • January 17, 2021One of my favorite spots in Taipei (when there aren’t too many tourists around). Enjoy the classical Chinese architecture set against nature, and learn about the (very complex) history of the ROC.
Nao • April 6, 2019この記念碑は二・二八事件から民主化される1987年まで続いた国民党政府の恐怖政治の元で、犠牲になった台湾国民を追悼するために建てられた記念碑。2008年3月27日竣工。二二八和平紀念公園の南側に道路を挟んで建っています。
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