Deatrice S. B. • March 23, 2015Home of the Georgiana Thomas Grand Chapter- Order of the Eastern Star-DC Jurisdiction. #DSBesongEnterprisesLLC
MMA Nation • September 28, 2011Bartenders love UFC as much as the customers. Great beers, super divey and really friendly.
Eric B. • September 16, 2016Excellent Venue for any Function!
Eric W. • September 4, 2011The go-go blasting from the speakers on the corner--and the impromptu dance parties they inspire--is one of the best things about life in Shaw. take a sec to get into the groove.
Pretty R. • December 17, 20111st time home buyers receive $5,000 - $40,000 towards the purchase of your home. Contact Natasha for more details at
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