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Suggestions for Retail near Praha 7, Prague

    • 9.1
      Farmers Market$$$$
      Bubenské nábř. 306/13 (Hala 22), Praha
      • S P.

        S P. • May 17, 2022I love this market. Great selection of fresh food.

    • 9.1
      Veverkova 5, Praha
      • Virva

        Virva • September 12, 2016So many good books to read. Mainly artsy and hipster stuff. There are also super cool prints from the local (?) artists.

    • 8.8
      Flower Store
      Komunardů 1050/11, Praha
      • Cynthia B.

        Cynthia B. • December 23, 2019Lovely selection, very popular with locals, so there might be a line. Staff is very helpful and speaks some English.

    • 8.8
      Camera Store
      Janovského 5, Prague 7
      • Venkatesh M.

        Venkatesh M. • June 27, 2019Probably for the best prices for film in town. And even for scanning.

    • 8.8
      Gift Store
      Veletržní 48, Praha
      • Jan V.

        Jan V. • July 22, 2017Lovely store with original and quality products from local designers, very friendly staff and nice atmosphere!

    • 8.5
      Chocolate Store$$$$
      Janovského 919/36, Praha
      • Stanislav K.

        Stanislav K. • May 1, 2012Always fresh hand-made chocolates - today tried rosmary-cardamom-vanilla pralines!

    • 8.3

      7. Lidl

      Veletržní 1623/24 (Strojnická), Praha
    • 8.3
      Arts and Crafts Store
      Jateční 1195/19, Praha
      • Joannes J.

        Joannes J. • August 9, 2016Velký výběr všeho, korálky, různé přívěšky, včetně věcí na šití atd. Rozhodně stojí za to sem zajít.

    • 8.3
      Arts and Crafts Store
      Janovského 15, Praha
      • Rudy T.

        Rudy T. • December 12, 2015Variety of colours, books, stylish design store

    • 8.3

      10. Cheesy

      Cheese Store
      Letenské nám. 7 (Ovenecka), Praha
      • Michal A.

        Michal A. • December 22, 2016Still biggest offer of cheeses in town. I love Gouda with cloves.I also like all sort of goat Goudas they have.

    • 8.3
      Camera Store
      Komunardů 1584/42, Praha
      • Kateřina M.

        Kateřina M. • February 25, 2015There is also a small coffee place in the back of the shop. Well prepared doubleshot coffee and a plesant place for an informal business meeting.

    • 8.0
      Organic Grocery
      Korunovační 310/2, Praha
      • Adley

        Adley • August 25, 2017Super nová prodejna na Praze 7. Sortiment se bude rozšiřovat, milej hipster prodavač a eco drogerii si můžete doplňovat do svých nádob. Bacha na zavíračku, ta se mění každý měsíc podle západu slunce!

    • 7.9
      Wine Store
      Veletržní 18, Praha
      • Muffin Man

        Muffin Man • September 14, 2017WHY THERE: local wine, friendly staff. WINE: good selection from czech makers. LOCATION: close to mainstream. PRICES: average (reasonable)

    • 7.8
      Food & Beverage
      Milady Horakove
      • Rudy T.

        Rudy T. • January 28, 2016Asian food, teas and ceramics

    • 7.8
      Veletržní 1623/24 (Strojnická), Praha
      • M@rek

        M@rek • July 20, 2020A brand new shopping center, even though there are maybe more than needed in Prague. Everything is still new and clean. Many shops to visit.

    • 7.8
      Imported Food
      Heřmanova 542/52 (Kamenická), Praha
      • Marmy

        Marmy • April 21, 2014Malý, fajn obchůdek s milou obsluhou a rozličnými pochutinami z východního bloku. Mezi mé oblíbené patří jednoznačně uzená lososí bříška, domácí vareniky a velký výběr koňaků a vodek za skvělé ceny...

    • 7.8
      U průhonu 1588/11a (Komunardů), Praha
      • Amelia R.

        Amelia R. • September 28, 2021My favorite place on earth. Affordable organic and healthy staples, hair, nail anf makeup products, condoms, detergents, you name it.

    • 7.8
      Computer and Electronics Retail
      Jateční 33a, Praha
      • Artur M.

        Artur M. • June 29, 2015Even though this cafe is inside Alza, a online retail shop, it is really very good. Highly recommended when waiting for your package! 🎁

    • 7.8
      Organic Grocery
      Milady Horákové 22, Praha
      • Martina J.

        Martina J. • July 30, 2012Denne cerstve pecivo! Doporucuji quiche!

    • 7.7
      Flower Store
      Komunardů 1490/47 (U Měšťanského pivovaru), Praha
      • Marketa

        Marketa • April 20, 2013Hezke kytky ale obsluha by se mohla vic usmivat a hlavne byt vice ochotnejsi a vstricnejsi.

    • 7.7
      Flower Store
      Milady Horákové 39, Praha
    • 7.7
      Jirečkova 7, Praha
      • Natalia K.

        Natalia K. • March 23, 2017Customer-oriented place for getting minimalistic shoes. Diagnostics is strongly recommended. Guys absolutely know what you need.

    • 7.6
      Farmers Market
      Řezáčovo nám., Praha
      • Petr H.

        Petr H. • June 30, 2018Small and the only zero-waste farmer’s market in Prague

    • Category icon

      24. VOALA

      Office Supplies
      Dobrovského 8, Praha
      • Ondrej H.

        Ondrej H. • April 2, 2014Amazing lab, beautiful notebooks and owners willing to talk enthusiastically about their work. Great place to cover your office supplies needs in style!

    • 7.4
      M. Horákové 609/60, Praha
      • Rudy T.

        Rudy T. • December 2, 2015Organic cruelty free cosmetics and food, quite cheap

    • 7.4
      Ondříčkova 2166/14, Prague
      • Ondřej T.

        Ondřej T. • July 14, 2017Friendly staff, laid back atmosphere.

    • 7.3
      Cheese Store
      Milady Horákové 23, Praha
      • Petr H.

        Petr H. • August 15, 2018Potato bread for the win! They olso have a variety of really strong flavoured (and smelly) cheeses

    • 7.3
      Liquor Store
      Kostelni 9, Praha
      • Keta K.

        Keta K. • July 27, 2015Super misto na pivko, vyber je nepreberny :) a navic si i vari sve vlastni.

    • 7.3
      Food & Beverage
      Ortenovo náměstí 33 (Osadní), Praha
    • 7.3
      Textiles Store
      Haškova 836/10, Praha
      • Rudy T.

        Rudy T. • November 19, 2015Amazing variety of cloths! Different patterns, textures and materials. Great prices as well

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