"Ive experienced one of the best customer service here mid 2013 that i wrote an appreciation letter. Everytime i come back, i still find their service good"
"Customer service fail big time. What is bringing a guest in to the seat halfway n end up taking orders fr another table with guest stranded?"
"Like it that its quiet on wkday mornings. I can bring my book n mp3 along as i chew on some fried rice."
"SUPER arrogant PRC servers. Hey im paying for my food in SG. Mind ur manners !! *pissed*"
"틀린없이, 여기오면 이집의 간장치킨하고 안동찖닭 꼭해봐야돼요..."
"112 forever takes forever to come. And forever so crowded on rainy wkday mornings"