The top terrace at the Газова Лямпа is one of the most authentic and amazing places I have ever had a meal at. Service was fast and on point. The atmosphere was perfect to share a pint with friends!
Drink set is served in flasks. It's the best choice if you're a group. It comes with different kinds of drinks. Medium set has 20 flasks. Large around 40 i think. Go for it👍🏼
Large range of exclusive liqueurs and tinctures, atmospheric interior. The first gas lamp was invented in Lviv, this fact served as an idea for opening this place
Interesting authentic interior. Food was good enough, I can recommend fried chicken. It is usually crowded, but there are tables on multiple floors so you will find a place. Top terrace is too hot.
Amazing and unique atmosphere, but the infusions were quite horrible. We've had the lemon, blackberry (both too sweet), and mint (too weird, and sweet). Liquor jello desert was completely inedible.
Decoration is. Gas lamp. This restaurant was built for founder of Gas Lamp men in Ukraine.borsh is good and cheap 35 grivna . chemical drinks is good quality.
Animal CrueltyWhy the F*** do you need live animals in a bar ?! Never have I seen such a depressed rabbit. All alone in a cage without a place to hide or food ! And poor parrots!
Interesting place to visit, the food and beer didn't meet my expectations. We ordered cheesewraps, which were deep fried and too oily. Borscht was okay. The only thing I liked was baked potatoes. 😋
Ресторація-музей розташована на вулиці Вірменській у центральній... частині міста Львова. Заклад присвячений винайденню гасової лампи в 1853 році.(Show more)