Masjid jami & the biggest mosque in kyiv, located at the hilly area, bit far from public transport like metro/trem. I was surprise that we found a beautiful mosque in ex USSR country #TravellingKyiv
One of the largest mosques in Kyiv, developed recently with a beautiful architecture ,sophisticated and luxury. If you would like to learn more about Islam (the noble QUR'AN) in they're very friendly.
обязательно посетите Киевскую мечеть Аль-Рахма.Это не просто мечеть это центр мусульман Украины. Здесь есть мусульманская школа и даже садик.Здесь расскажут об Исламе каждому, кто заинтересован в этом
Kiev'deki tej cami. Ulaşımı zor, taksi kullanın. Haritadaki yeri yanlış, polis merkezinden dümdüz yukarı yürüyün. Sağa sola sapmayın. Bir de cuma namazları bir saatten fazla sürüyor.