A cultural tourism destination for fans of Byzantine archeology,ancient ⛪️ & medieval 🏚.Cozy familyhotels & adorable little restaurants to be visited here.Nice marina⛵️,2 small 🏖 & city wall 🏰.
Fantastic historical city. The most beautiful sights from the Black Sea shoreline are situated here. Nice architecture, amazing churches, cozy family restaurants and small pubs.
Must go place! We managed to walk around the whole peninsula and though unique tiny streets within 3 hours. Get a postcard from one of souvenir shops and send it to your parents from local post office
You can visit this place by a regular bus that costs 1.30 BGN or by sea on a boat (10 BGN). A lot of interesting things to see, shopping is also possible. Recommending Andromeda Terracesrestaurant.
One of the most beautiful cities in EU - a part of UNESCO's list of World's Heritage Sites. More than 3200 years old. After you finish sightseeing the island & its 40 churches, visit "George's Grill".
If you arrive by the car my advise is to park before the road that link the old town 8BGN 5-12h In weekends is best to arrive early and spend a day there because is very crowded and heavy traffic.
One of the oldest towns in Europe,the ancient city of Nessebar is a unique example of a synthesis of the centuries-old human activities in the sphere of culture.
Hali hazırda çok girişli Schengen vizesi olup İstanbul civarında yaşayan ve yakın bir yurtdışı tatili yapmak isteyenlere haftasonuiçin ideal. Tarihi yarımadanın tamamı UNESCO koruması altında.
Волшебное место! Хочется возвращаться снова и снова! Вкусно поесть можно в ресторане Старый моряк рядом с развалинами в самом центре города, там оооочень вкусно и есть wi fi.
Türkiye'ye yakın konumuyla haftasonu yada kısa tatil planlarınız için ideal bir lokasyon. Hem Bulgaristan'ın geleneksel ev ve yapılarını hem de mutfağına dair alternatifleri birarada bulabilirsiniz.
По прежнему старый и по прежнему удивляет доступностью старинных руинов некогда представлявших величайший архитектурный ансамбль. Можно побродить по улицам веков пять назад )
Прекрасный Старый город, с колоритными домами и улочками, руинами. Небольшой. Легко пройти за день. Вдоль всего побережья можно насладиться красивым морским прибоем.
Une vieille ville splendide même si les marchands de souvenirs et les restaurantsont envahi les ruelles. Point de passage obligé lors d'une visite sur la côte de la Mer Noire.