Free of charge entrance where you will have different houses design from different regions. Don't miss the Korean medical experience and how Korean get treatment on the past.
It's a really beautiful place that allow you understand and see more of the traditional Korean culture. There is also free touring guide in English everyday at 2pm and 3:30 pm.
also known as "A Village of Traditional Houses in the Namsan Valley", is a Korean village located in the area of Pil-dong neighborhood in Jung-gu, a central district of Seoul, South Korea. Read more
Namsangol Hanok Village, also known as "A Village of Traditional Houses in the Namsan Valley", is a Korean village located in the area of Pil-dong neighborhood in Jung-gu, a central district of Seoul, Read more
NAMSANGOL HANOK VILLAGE: Experience tradition of the Choseon Dynasty in the center of Seoul. They offer cultural programs, performances in the traditional music-specialized theater.
There is also a time capsule commemorating Seoul’s 600 Year Anniversary that was buried in 1994 and is scheduled to be reopened four hundred years later in 2394. Read more
The area boasted such superb scenery that it was called the land of the fairies and was considered one of the five most beautiful parts of Seoul. Read more
A traditional Korean stylegarden, complete with a flowing stream and pavilion was constructed on the site in order to revive the classical feel of the Joseon-era. Read more
The Namsangol Hanok Village offers one the opportunity to experience a wide cross-section of Joseon-era citizenry and activities, from royalty to commoners. Read more
한옥전시장+공원의 느낌. 실제 사람들이 살고 있는 분위기를 생각 했다면 실망할 듯. 중국인 관광객들이 많아 소란스럽지만, 17시 이후에 가면 조용한 분위기로 산책할 수 있습니다. 북촌 한옥마을과는 분위기가 달라요. ^^ 북촌, 서촌 이런 곳 생각하고 오신 분들은 실망하실지도. 명동이나 남대문 가면서 들러간다는 느낌으로 오세요. 볼 게 많지 않아요. ^^
개방시간은 4월부터 10월은 오전 9시부터 오후 9시까지이고, 11월부터 3월은 오전 9시부터 8시까지입니다. 무료로 관람할 수 있으며 매주 화요일은 휴무일이라고 합니다. 지하철 3, 4호선 충무로역에서 하차, 3, 4번출구로 나와서 150m 정도 걸어오시면 한옥마을 입구입니다. Read more
Небольшой парк с традиционными домами. Я бы советовала именно здесь фото-ся,взяв в прокат нац-ый костюм, или просто так, т.к. здесь немного туристов, а антураж такой же как и везде в подобных местах!
Отличное место для прогулки и пикника, несмотря на небольшую территорию парка. Представлен фрагмент корейской деревни. По субботам устраивают традиционные корейские представления.