A great place to find good meat, fresh/well priced fruits and veggies and other local flavors. The sandwich stand in the very middle (literally a table in the middle) is really good. Try the pastrami!
Love this place! Vegetarian food stall at the end, vegansupermarket upstairs and lots of fresh produce. It's great to sit outside and have your lunch in the sun, WHEN there's sun 😂😊
Croissants at La Bretagne are shipped from France and baked here. Thusly, they're by far the best in town AND they're an ecological nightmare. I have one every now and then :-)
TONS of vegetarian a vegan options. I do my grocery shopping here first because I prefer to support local businesses, and the vendors here are really friendly.
Very good options for quality cheese, meat, cold cuts... Not everything has a reasonable price but things like the French salami stand are hard to turn down.