I love Aroma, but here the prices are higher than the rest of Israel. I like to indulge myself with an Ice Aroma and a brownie before a flight (around 37 ILS)
Very good coffe and nice sandwich selections, the place it's a bit pricy for sandwiches and coffe and it has free wifi, but the airport has also, so don't come here for the Internet
I have heard about Aroma since the day I have set foot on Israel. The iced coffee is very good although a bit too expensive for a small cup. I recommend it anyway
Квест - найди кафе, найди понятное меню, разберись с wifi. ..но это не смажет наслаждения с любимым кофе! Кафешка находиться в обжорном ряду так сказать справа от "фонтана" так сказать!