Good & simple Hakka Noodles. Nice pork balls and sui kow - dumplings. Chilli sauce alright. Closed on Mondays. Rojak stall in front of restaurant can be ordered in. It's delicious!
Its' noodles except the chicken curry r totally bland. Maybe that's the chili sauce for. That's Hakkas food, braise or blanch. The soup dumpling is edible. Of coz, I've tasted better Hakka noodles.
原味豬肉丸生幼麵 Original Pork Ball Fine Noodle 大L-RM5.40 小S-RM4.80~~~~放多多辣椒醬才好吃,很刺激!the more chilli sauce the more tastier and excited! 桔子酸梅水 Lime Juice RM2.00
Chong Ko Hakka Noodle (彰哥客家面家)
Jalan Perubatan 2 (Pandan Indah) 55100Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia