Milkcoffee is very aromatic and bold in taste. There is a photo menu which has even more type sandwiches not on display. FYI, one set of roti is just ONE slice of bread sliced into two. Its crispier.
Just your friendlyneighborhood kopitiam to go for good kopi and roti kahwin.Have the sup daging with or w/out noodles. Either way it still tastes as amazing as it was 40 yrs ago (according to my mom)
Milkcoffee is aromatic and thick enough..Beef noodles broth is clear lighter version ~taste good.. many varieties of sandwiches ~butter homemadekaya, tuna apple, toast with half boiled egg on top..
We serve traditional kopi, teh, roti bakar, soft boiled egg,... nasi lemak, beef koay teow soup.
We are located beside Sin Bee Chew Restaurant. You are most welcomed to order their signature Hainanese chicken chop, fried rice, fried noodle over to our shop.(Show more)