Go during the week, early in the day (while most people are at work) if you can. Weekends its a ZOO! Affordable cheeses, nuts, prepared food, oils and snacks.
If you happen to be gluten intolerant, ask for the list of gluten-free items. It's exhaustive and makes you feel like you can eat everything in the world! TJ love.
Try to avoid this location on weekends - can be a total mad house and by Sunday, they're out of stock of a lot of things. Your best bet is coming as early as possible on Monday for prime selection.
Great selection of organic food at decent prices! Need to applaud on the friendly and excellent service. Oh yeah, and don't be discourage of the long lines, it goes by real quick and smoothly! Enjoy!
this Trader Joe's location can get crazy out of control with their lines. go early in the day on a weekday to get the best selection and least wait times. produce here is decent and prices are good.
The most beautiful grocery store you will ever find. TJ's took one of the grand old bank buildings from the 20s (1923) and actually showcased the architecture, unlike most owners of such buildings.
Some of the products that carry the Trader Joe's brand are in fact amazing. We love the dumplings, the organicbrown rice, the sea saltpeanut butter and the dried fruits. You just have to try them!
Love this place. Court Street is smaller, but I love the selection. Check out the Indian foods in the frozen section. I've created some great meals by combining with fresh ingredients.
When this TJ's first opened, it was a great shopping experience. After its 1st 2 years, it's like any other NYC store. Get 'em in & fast. Or faster. Now they're only into the bottom line, NOT service.
Can't beat TJ's prices especially on organic produce when in stock. Their products are comparable to any leading food brand. They just created their own Balsamic Glaze which makes me very happy!
Everything here is amazing like the snacks and frozen foods. Cheap and good. But be careful: you will most likely buy more delicious goodness than you came here for.
Cut you some flax. Try adding flaxseed or its oil to your meals. Trader's has it golden roasted, milled, whole, in cereal, in oatmeal. The health benefits are plentiful and the taste is yummy.
Hanging out at Mister Sundays or going to a game or concert at Barclays Center? Hit up this TJ's beforehand to stock up on snacks, good cheese, and cheap wine. #nom
The borough’s only Trader Joe’s is a local claim to fame, offering big-scale convenience and pre-prepped gourmet takeaway that’s hard to find under one roof anywhere else.
Getting as bad as Park Slope Food Coop during peak hours. People shouldn't browse with a cart. Or on the phone. They're too spacey. My advice: Stow cart and grab a few things at a time.
What makes this place horrible is the entitled customers. People rather push through you than use their words. But that’s why it’s all game if you swing and knock their head off.
Pick up some Old Amsterdam Cheese! It's a premium aged rich Gouda with a robust flavor. Check out our website for great recipe and pairing ideas.http://oldamsterdam.com/
Don't be discouraged by the long lines -- they move quickly and the staff is always pleasant. Where else can you buy yummy soy chorizo in a beautiful old bank with soaring ceilings and huge windows?
Check the coffeegrinders for leftover beans from someone who didn't grind all their beans. Could lead to mixing of coffees or just more coffee, depends on how you look at it
Outside the door at Court and Atlantic is the high elevation pt of Cobble Hill, where cobble stones were disposed. They were used as a fort during both the Revolutionary War and War of 1812.
Wild Mushroom and Black TruffleFlatbread- Ridiculous. A bit of a splurge but hands down my favorite TJ's treat. Also best multi-grain English Muffins ever.
Trader Joe's: a neighborhood grocery store with amazing food... and drink from around the globe and around the corner. Great quality at great prices - that's what we call value.(Show more)