Love this place. Its like Fairway in NY but a billion times better. Everything is mega fresh and their capuccinos from the cafe were pretty great! Low prices and a giant beer/liquor section is a plus!
I couldn't believe how humongous this place is, let alone the dining area on the 2nd floor (which, even though it is big, takes up only a portion of the store). Epic awesomeness!
Be careful where you park because the lazy shoppers don't return their carts to the corrals & your car will get banged up & scratched by carts rolling around!
Lots of options for hot, ready to go food here. The people are friendly and the marketplace area has a ton of seating and wifi. Great grocery store as well
Incredibly friendly staff. Always helpful. They have reservedparking spaces for parents with small children and people running in to pick up from the pharmacy.
I used to love coming to this location. I came into the store today the first time in a while and it is terrible. Customer service went way down. I hope its just a bad day and not a trend.