ELYSIAN Night Out Pumpkin Ale. Brewed with 7 lbs pumpkin per barrel and pumpkin seeds and fermented with spices https://www.facebook.com/pages/Wine-Underground/130371506983015?ref=hl&ref_type=bookmark Read more
The King's Ginger:This emphatically gingerliqueur was specifically formulated in 1903 for King Edward VII.Cocktail recipe-Summer Cup: 1part of The King's Ginger,3parts of lemonade,3parts of cranberry
John Henry Spiral Oak Aged Ales:Colonial Cream & Brown Ale is aged w/ Brandy Oak. West Indies Pale Ale is brewed Barley & aged w/ Dark Rum oak. 3 Lick Spiker Ale is aged w/Bourbon oak.
On TAP: Jailbreak Brewing Co, Belgian style wheat beer with notes of bitter orange peel & coriander, infused with fresh Basil. Follow us on instagram #wineunderground
Maynard J Keenan lead singer of a band called Tool is making wines in Arizona under Caduceus Cellars & Merkin Vineyards. We are the only place in Maryland to carry his wines. www.wineunderground.us
Brasserie Dubuisson Frères sprl BelgianStrongPaleAle 13%ABV Bush Prestige starts as BushAmbrèe which instead of being stored as traditionally in StainlessSteelVats is matured in OakBarrels for 6months
Wine Underground's philosophy is to support small artisan &... family producers whenever possible—to carry products not driven by marketing but, rather, quality & value. You may not find your favorite international brands here, but we can help you find something that may fit your tastes even better.(Show more)