"Honest, timely services at a great price. Family owned. Specializing in German autos."
Auto Repair
· Seattle, United States
"Needs a major upgrade. Everything is grody: the carpet, the outdated machines (90's), the locker rooms. Most lockers are broken. Sauna is tiny. Waiting for LA Fitness to open this fall in WS."
Gym and Studio
· Seattle, United States
5.5"Not bad for a brand new place. Food and drinks were good, atmosphere good, staff friendly. But, singer was too loud and we couldn't hear ourselves think or speak! Otherwise we'll go back again."
· Seattle, United States
5.5"The potted plants are a nice touch."
Fuel Station
· Seattle, United States
5.5"They close at 10 pm, Sundays at 9."
· Seattle, United States
6.2"They serve instant coffee. :("
· Las Vegas, United States