"Arriving in Paris always causes me pain, even when I've been away only a short while. It is a city which I never fail to approach with expectation and leave with disappointment."
International Airport
· Roissy-en-France, France
6.6"Obslyzhivanie ostavlyaet zhelat lychego, nachinaya s hostess, zakanchivaya oficiantami, kyhnya srednyaya, inter'er krasivij, no na etom vse."
"Dlya togo, chtobi projti zdes' med.komissiu nado imet' ogromnoe terpenie. Otvratitel'nie vrachi, adovie ocheredi I yzhasnoe otnoshenie k studentam. Vam pridetsya potratit' mnogo sil I vremeni."
"Gipsy - home sweet home"
Night Club
· Москва, Россия