Ang Kai Wen

Ang Kai Wen


Lawyer. Foodie. Addicted Fisherman. Social media lover. all these elements combine in the most unlikely of persons. add me should your interests align :)

Singapore · Superuser icon?Placemaker Level 7
  • 78 Tips
  • 374 Following
  • 22 Lists

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5 Lists Created · 82 Tips
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Ang's Recent Lists
Ang Kai Wen
0 places updated July 29, 2015
0 places
Ang Kai Wen
0 places updated July 29, 2015
0 places
Ang Kai Wen
69 places updated May 22, 2016
i'm always out late, so sometimes I just need food. most recommendations close by midnight, but im looking for places that close past that. any cuisine goes, as long as its consistent and delicious
Ang Kai Wen
7 places updated October 17, 2011
7 places including The Bar, eM by the River, Harry's, Coffee Bar K
Ang Kai Wen
8 places updated July 29, 2015
Not a list of the greatest bars in Singapore. rather, its a list of where i find solace from those dreary days at work. some of these places are quite; hidden. be discrete in introducing them.
Ang Kai Wen
13 places updated July 29, 2015
Not a list of the "top cafes" in Singapore. i dont care much for instagram-worthiness. i care about good consistent coffee, a welcoming atmosphere, and a place i can sit down with friends for a chat
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Ang's Recent Tips
"The fishball and fishcakes here are handmade by a true blue 80 plus year old Teochew master who has been doing it all his life."
Ang Kai WenAng Kai Wen · December 27, 2015
"Solid teochew food (with some rarely seen classic favourites) at reasonable prices. Best part - it's open 24 hours"
Ang Kai WenAng Kai Wen · August 15, 2015
· Singapore
"Specials! Monday One For One on single scoops; Tuesday waffle with icecream from $5 up; and Wed free cone day with any scoop purchase!"
Ang Kai WenAng Kai Wen · July 28, 2015
Ice Cream
· Singapore
"Slightly more expensive than some of the other joints in the region, but i think that the masseuses here are better. After trying quite a few of the others, i kept coming back to this one"
Ang Kai WenAng Kai Wen · August 6, 2014
· พระนคร, ประเทศไทย
"Initial stop for express bus 598. $5 fare with direct link to town, Collyer quay, Shenton way. 2 bus arrival timings: 7.45 and 7.55 am SHARP"
Ang Kai WenAng Kai Wen · January 6, 2014
Bus Station
· Singapore
"I am very disappointed that they dont allow takeaways even if there is minimal queue. As opposed to the hk branch. Can't even queue for a table but choose to take out also."
Ang Kai WenAng Kai Wen · November 28, 2013
Dim Sum
· Singapore