"Best Fried Hongkong Hofan noodles I ever had from a takeaway truck. Real good quality, very delicious."
"Best quality Fried Hongkong Hofan noodles I ever had from a take away truck! Delicious."
"The carbonara I had was quite good but the staff never ever broke a smile. Almost gave me the impression they are upset or bored or both. Water way to expensive to buy here."
"A wide and Long Beach with crystal clear water, worth to enjoy also in wintertime, as the sea temperature remains quite warm through even December."
· Κουτσουνάρι, Ελλάδα
"Viskose Pareo, Wollschals • Schmuck mit Metall, Leder und Keramik, faux bijoux"
· Κουτσουνάρι, Ελλάδα
"Olivenöl, Oliven, Honig, Marmelade. • Naturkosmetik, reine Olivenöl Seife, Kosmetika mit Aloe Vera und Argan Öl, ätherische Öle, Schwämme • Ausgewählte Kleidung aus Leinen und Baumwolle bester Qualitä"
· Κουτσουνάρι, Ελλάδα