Bob Sedlacek

Bob Sedlacek


Renton, Wa
  • 1 Tips
  • 21 Following
  • 5 Lists

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Bob's Top Cities
Mercer Island
1 List Created
2 Lists Created · 1 Tip
3 Lists Created
Bob Sedlacek
2 places updated July 28, 2013
2 places including Fred Meyer, Fisheries Supply
Bob Sedlacek
7 places updated November 21, 2013
7 places including Rainier Yacht Club, CSR Marine Seattle, Renton Eagles, Lake Washington
Bob Sedlacek
3 places updated October 30, 2011
3 places including CSR Marine Seattle, Parkshore Marina, Rainier Yacht Club
Bob Sedlacek
1 places updated
1 place including Voula's Offshore Cafe
Bob Sedlacek
6 places updated
6 places including Snoqualmie Casino, Yogi Bear's Jellystone Park, Pizzeria Pulcinella, Bill & Bea's Espresso
Bob's ListsLists Bob CreatedLists Bob Followed
"Don't pass up the chowder !!"
Bob SedlacekBob Sedlacek · November 26, 2012
Fish and Chips Shop
· Renton, United States