5 places updated December 19, 2014
CAx, APS, PDM, PLM, CRM, ERP, MRP, MIS, BI are our domains. We are experts in the area of interdepartmental processes and their optimalization. We love Microsoft Dynamics AX!
63 places updated October 15, 2022
List of ICT company HQ´s, located in Prague, Czech Republic
137 places updated November 10, 2021
Foursquare list of the best places to see, travel, go, visit, overnight, eat and have fun in the Czech part of Bohemian forest (Sumava, Bohmerwald) in the Czech Republic, Tschechische republik.
8 places updated
8 places including National Post Online, Impact Hub Praha D10, Impact Hub Praha D10, Autocamp Běšiny
15 places updated
15 places including Hospoda Lucerna, Kolinec, Čachrov, LLP Dynamics, s.r.o. (XAPT Czech Republic)