10 places updated March 16, 2020
Kagawa is sometimes nicknamed Udon-ken and because it sounds like Yadon (Slowpoke in Japanese), it has become the "official" Pokémon of Kagawa and it has its own manholes in each municipality.
14 places updated March 21, 2019
Places where you can sleep on Teshima.
If you find mistakes or missing venues, please, let me know.
20 places updated May 20, 2019
This list includes all the art sites you can find on Teshima, whether they're related to Art Setouchi or not.
If you find mistakes or venues that are not listed, please, let me know.
28 places updated September 30, 2018
Trying to list all the places where one can eat or drink on Teshima.
If you find missing places or mistakes, please let me know.
51 places updated May 1, 2018
A list of places where you can eat or drink on Naoshima.
(If you see that a venue is missing or inaccurate, please tell me)
38 places updated June 2, 2019
A list of all artworks and museums on Naoshima.
(if you see that one is missing, do not hesitate to tell me)