"Be notified of your perks when you checkin to places with student discounts and rewards. Connect GeoPerks to your 4sq account and select your Marquette Card to start saving money now!"
· Milwaukee, United States
"Be notified of your perks when you checkin to places with student discounts and rewards. Connect GeoPerks to your 4sq account and select your Student ID Card to start saving money now!"
· Baltimore, United States
"Be notified of your perks when you checkin to places with student discounts and rewards. Connect GeoPerks to your 4sq account and select your JHU Card to start saving money now!"
· Baltimore, United States
"Be notified of your student discounts and rewards when you checkin to places. Connect GeoPerks to your 4sq account and select your Northwestern Card to start saving money now!"
· Evanston, United States
"Be notified of your perks when you checkin to places with student discounts and rewards. Connect GeoPerks to your 4sq account and select your FGCU Card to start saving money now!"
· Fort Myers, United States
"Be notified of your perks when you checkin to places with student discounts and rewards. Connect GeoPerks to your 4sq account and select your EMU Card to start saving money now!"
Student Center
· Ypsilanti, United States