"Love this place! I've been here couple of times n always coneback here. Eat with sea view and feel the breeze. I recommended chilli lobster and nasi goreng segara. Good taste, good price, good portion"
· Bali, Indonesia
5.9"Cozy place. Relaxing atmosphere. Kids will love the big playing area. Food taste is avarage and not cheap. Tapi worth it juga untuk dicoba. Pelayanan cepat meski ramai pd peak season."
· Denpasar, Indonesia
8.4"All you can eat! Buffe lunch cukup mahal (idr 475k/person) tp sesuai dng rasa, kualitas danbkuantitas. Dessert section bnr2 wonderful!"
· Badung, Indonesia
8.7"Villa superb! Indah bgt! Suasana nyaman dan bikin betah gak mau balik ke rumah. Lokasinya agak jauh dr keramaian. Cocok buat yg pngn liburan jauh dr hiruk pikuk kota."
"Ascott ga pernah ngecewain. Setiap mampor surabaya pasti transit di sini. Utk hotel sekelas bintang 5 Ascott lbh unggul krn ruangan yg lebih luas. Ruang tamu terpisah jd cocok utk liburan brg anak2"
· Surabaya, Indonesia
8.3"Menurut gw ini t.o paling enak yg pernah gw makan. Sambelnya top bgt. Pake mendoan 1/2 mateng.. dijamin nagih!"
· Tasikmalaya, Indonesia