"Good fish tacos. Don't miss on dessert either! I had avocado and lime cheesecake which was delicious. They also have popcorn icecream!"
"Realment autèntic, però vaig trobar les raccions bastant petites."
"Vaig demanar pasta, però els variats també són una delícia."
"Una carta molt variada a preus assequibles. Vaig demanar pasta, però puc dir que els variats són boníssims també!"
"Small, cosy place. The daily menu is cheap and delicious! The staff is wonderful :)"
"The museum is about the history of Kraków prior, during and after WWII. It is very informative,dynamic and interactive. However, if you come here for Oskar Schindler, only one room is devoted to him."
History Museum
· Krakow, Poland