"Watch for children as you drive around Base Housing - for some reason many people let their kids play/run/bike in the street unsupervised. The kids will not look before entering the street either."
Housing Development
· Dover, United States
"Everybody wants to whine about DP being dirty...cleanest casino around, in reality. Definitely better than Atlantic City - you'd expect to see a back alley abortion or mugging every block there."
· Wilmington, United States
7.2"Don't even think about Valet parking - they'll drive your car like they stole it then deny it. They treat customer cars like rentals & abuse them. I am not impressed & will file a formal complaint."
· Atlantic City, United States
7.4"Not sure what everybody is bitching & moaning about - been through hundreds of times, TSA is less strict than the other super populated airports. No need to show up 2 hours early unless you want to."
· Missoula, United States
6.5"If you want a mediocre education from a staff that only cares about money, you found the right institution!"
· Missoula, United States
"Base is spelled with an S"
Military Base
· Dover, United States