Filippo D. • November 29, 2023Just very poor. No food, only a choice of a couple of juices, tea or coffee. You would think we are in a small provincial airport looking at how basic is this lounge
Hao L. • January 4, 2020Reopened after renovation and what a view - very spacious as well. No showers though
Yutaka S. • December 26, 2010We can enjoy 3 types of Japanese beer such as Kirin, Asahi and Sapporo from beer servers.
Tyler M. • May 6, 2014Great space with a good airside view, but the lack of food--even cheese and crackers--is surprising for ANA.
m d. • October 16, 2014Beautiful lightings from the observatory deck. Seeing someone off is always sad.
Kenny N. • November 18, 2020Large and comfortable airport lounge. Recommend the ramen or noodle as it is freshly made upon your order.
H A. • May 1, 2018Great lounge. Don’t forget to go to the bar/lounge area at the back to get your shoe shine!
Simon M. • September 30, 2013Great view of the airfield but food options are slim - crackers or instant noodle soup. Beer pumps though!
Av0 c. • November 26, 2023A bit crowded during certain times of the day but aood selection of food, drinks, and alcohol. Grab a glass 🥃 of Yamazaki whiskey and relax until your flight.
S K. • July 18, 2020チェックイン、荷物預け入れ、保安検査場までノンストップです。
Angelito M. • June 14, 2016Spacious, comfortable, with one of the best food being offered. Catering by Okura Hotel, the food is superb! From japanese beef curry rice to french toast to coffee jello you wont be disappointed
Sascha P. • August 25, 2016Probably one of the best Star Alliance lounges in the world. Fantastic food (try the udon or the chicken curry), plenty of relaxing quite zones and friendly staff. Oh and they have great sake.
yokofuwa • April 27, 2023羽田空港公式サイトの「シャワールーム」のページには9:00〜の営業となっているが、実際は6:00から営業しており、シャワーも6時から利用できる。但しパワーラウンジへの入場料とは別に1100円が必要。
phyllis t. • July 28, 2024This is the more spacious ANA lounge and least amount of people compared to T3. Got a good view as well
Akku c. • November 24, 2017グローバルクラブの敷居が下がってるのかな?何だか以前より混むようになった。なぜか検査慣れしていない人がいるので、普通に保安施設を通った方が速いこともある。
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